Upper Keys Little League Local Rules
- All coaches are required to read their rule books as well as get the LL app.
- HOME TEAM is responsible for lining the field prior to the game.
- HOME TEAM is the official book of record. Pitching records, which will include
a PITCH COUNT for each pitcher will be kept in the concession. - Only rule infractions, not judgment calls may be discussed with the umpire.
Arguing or other unsportsmanlike conduct by players or coaches is prohibited.
This includes unacceptable actions towards the umpires, verbal or physical
threats. Such conduct will result in the ejection from the game and will
automatically carry an additional consequence. FIRST ejection = one game
suspension, SECOND = Season long suspension. If a coach is ejected and he
or she coaches two teams they will be suspended from both teams he or she
coaches. - All decisions made by the game umpire shall be final and not subject to protest
(any protest must be put in writing and submitted to the board, as well as
informing the opposing coach of the protest). Appeals may be during the game
in accordance with Little League Rules. - 8 players are required to start a game. If a team has 7 or less players a 10
minute time period will be given according to game start time. - All players on your roster must be listed on your lineup card, noting the players
that are absent. To play in the game a player must be present no later than the
end of the third inning. - All teams MUST clean the dugouts after their game. Don’t leave the mess for
the next team. - The only acceptable reason to cancel or reschedule a game is if you have less
than nine players. To do this you must contact the board and the opposing
coach no less than 24 hours before game time. If you fail to do so your game
will be considered a forfeit. - SLIDE OR AVOID CONTACT: penalty for not doing this is the player will be
called out. If in the judgment of the umpire that the contact was intentional, the
player will be ejected from the game, plus an additional two games. - EACH TEAM IS PERMITTED 10 MINUTES PRIOR TO GAME TIME FOR
INFIELD/OUTFIELD PRACTICE. Away team has the field 20 minutes till 10
minutes to game start and Home team has the field from 10 minutes till game
Division Rules
Tee Ball
Time Limit shall be 60 minutes and or 3 innings whichever comes first.
Bat the roster.
Ball must be hit off of a tee at all times.
Everyone plays the field.
Bats must be 26” or less and be the USA approved bats specifically for Teeball
If a player is put out then he or she must return back to the dugout(NO EXCEPTIONS, AN OUT IS AN OUT)
Coaches must use the T-Ball approved game balls given to them at the beginning of the season for games.
Ground Rule Double applies in T-Ball
Rookies/Coach Pitch
LOAN PLAYERS TO TEAM A. - No new inning shall start after one hour and thirty minutes. If the time limit is close to expiring at end of an inning that is not the 6th inning coaches and umpires can come together and decide the next inning be last and will have unlimited runs.
- 5 Run Rule for the first 5 innings only. (Maximum # of runs to be scored by a team in each half inning before changing at bats). In the sixth inning unlimited number of runs can be scored.
- The Mercy Rule is in effect for the Minor’s Division, if one team is ahead by ten runs at the end of the fourth or fifth inning the game will end.
- The ball is in play until called dead by the umpire. The fielding team must stop lead runner.
- Batter will get 5 pitches each time they are up to bat unless the 5th pitch is a foul ball and at then they will get another, continued if foul.
- Bat the entire roster in order.
- All kids play the field. Only one catcher, one pitcher, one first baseman, one second baseman, one shortstop, and one third baseman. All extra players play in the outfield and must be in the grass.
- Catcher must start in catcher’s box to be able to catch a foul ball hit from batter and be considered an out.
- Kid pitcher must have one and only one foot in the pitcher’s circle until ball is hit.
- If hit ball hits coach pitching on initial hit, ball is dead and will be called a strike. If 5th pitch a foul is called and gets another pitch.
- Defensive coaches are not permitted on the infield during defensive inning.
- Pitching coach can not give any instruction to player once ball is hit. No coach may touch a player when ball is in play. For example stopping a player from advancing to home from third.
- Coaches pitching must be at least 28 feet away from plate.
Majors/Kid Pitch
No new inning shall start after 2 hours or 6 innings.
Mercy rule is in effect, 15 runs after 3 innings or 10 runs after the 4th, 5th or 6th.
The 6th inning a team may score unlimited runs prior to 3rd out.Bat 9 players.
Substitution of players is without limitation so as to encourage maximum game
play for all players. All players must play a minimum of 2 innings or 6
consecutive outs. All players must enter the game by the 4th inning. Coaches
are responsible for making sure mandatory play is followed.USA OR USSA BATS MAY BE USED
Intermediate 50/70
No new inning shall start after two hours and thirty minutes or 7 innings.
Mercy rule is in effect, 15 runs after 3 innings or 10 runs after the 4th, 5th, or 6th inning. Unlimited runs for both teams in last inning.
Bat 9 players.
Substitution of players is without limitation so as to encourage maximum game play for all players. Coaches are responsible for making sure mandatory play is followed. All players must play a minimum of 2 innings or consecutive outs. All players must enter the game by the 4th inning.
Time limit shall be two hours or 6 innings. No new inning shall start after one hour and thirty minutes.
5 Run Rule for the first 5 innings only. (Maximum # of runs to be scored by a team in each half inning before changing at bats). In the sixth inning unlimited number of runs can be scored.
The Mercy Rule is in effect for Softball, if one team is ahead by 10 runs at the end of the 4th inning they will end.
Runner shall attempt to advance only one base on an overthrow unless an attempt at a put out is made after the initial overthrow.
The ball is in play until called dead by the umpire. The object is not to have a run rabbit run situation every time the ball is put in play.
Bat the roster.
All kids play the field. Only one catcher, one Pitcher, one first baseman, one second baseman, one Shortstop, and one Third baseman. All extra players play in the outfield.
Little League Rules
To Learn More about Little League Rules, Please visit Little Leagues Official Website.